Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Story Starter

Ceark, creak, creak, went the creepy gate as it swung open slowly. I said to someone in a small voice I’m  very very scared. I took a good, good look at the gate and that time I looked it closed very, very fast and it open very very fast. The next time I went to look I tiptoed to the gate until I was there.
Ahhhhh I screamed.
What was that?”… I whispered to myself.
Who is there? Is it a creepy ghost?
Is it a normal ghost? Is it a killer clown? Is it a creepy killer clown?

Help help help! This gate is a haunted gate.
Where have you gone? Bye Bye! I was scared so I’m going.  
It is very, very scary here. Let me go or I will call the police and they might rearrange it or they might move it to the rubbish dump.
Please, please let me go or I will scream and yell and call out to my Mum and my Dad and they will cut your head off. If you let me go I will never ever come here again  and never ever let you down or your feelings down. I will keep away from the gate and never come back here again.
Can you let me go and I will tell you my name. Ok then what is your name? My name is Bella ok now can you let me go. I sure can. Good bye little girl, see you if you come back. Okay.

Wait little girl, I'm the gate and you left your dress here. Okay gate never ever come back again. I told you now shoo shoo never ever come back okay. Keep away from the gate. This gate is dangerous so keep away.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Firework story

Firework story
On November 15th it is guy Fawkes day and my sister Bailey and Taylah are scared of them.
They are scared of the one that go boom and bang not the sparklers. Last year the one fire work  that has a big stick i got to hold it up high when it went of.

The noise of the fireworks were loud as a pig. “My dad told me to be careful when i hold it up and when it go,s off.''

After all of the fireworks have been we go the bed but… i can't sleep because all the other fireworks are going off.                      Light                 spark

                               Boom              bang
                                                                            Squil                     Boom                         colourful

                       Loud                                              light

            bang and spark

                                                                                Boom                      bang

Fireworks and very very loud You have to be careful when you light up for it because it can catch something on fire or you can burn yourself. Related image

santa letter

Rm 18
Frimley primary school

Dear santa

Do you have a magic star to make your reindeer fly?. How come you don’t go through the front door or the back door instead of the chimney. Santa how do you deliver all of the presents in one night to everyone in the world.

Is it hard to deliver all the presents to the good boys and girls and to make them and wrap them. How come nobody can see you and what time do you come? For xmas i want a motor drift trike.

In our house we put up a christmas tree in the corner of our house and decorate everything  around our house. In our house we have tea and a shower and go to bed for xmas. In the morning i have heaps of presents under the tree for me. I love you santa you are the bestest person in the world and can you plz plz sent me a letter back plz santa you're the best person in the world.

Image result for santa claus

This year i hope i have heaps of presents under the tree so i can open heaps of presents and play with them. Thank you santa your the best xxxxxxxxxxooo. Love from Quize.Image result for christmas balls

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Bees peport


A honey bee

A honey bee is an insect that collects nectar from flowers and turns into honey.
Image result for honey bees

There are three types of bees

There are three types of honey bees in a colony: a queen bee, female worker bees, and male drones.

The worker bee and the queen are females

  • The worker bees and the queen are both female bees but only the queen reproduces/lays eggs.

There are three kinds of bees

  • There are three kinds of bees in a hive: Queen, Worker and Drone. Only the queen in the hive lays eggs. She communicates with her hive with her own  special scent called pheromones. The queen will lay around 1,500 eggs per day.

Bees habitat

  • They live in colonies called hives.


Long tongue proboscis two sets of wings they are small 2.1 mm 250 different types.


They have 3 body parts.

Honey bees have 6 legs

  • Honey bees have 6 legs, 2 compound eyes made up of thousands of tiny lenses (one on each side of the head), 3 simple eyes on the top of the head, 2 pairs of wings, a nectar pouch, and a stomach. ...

The honey bees wings

  • The honey bee's wings stroke incredibly fast, about 200 beats per second, thus making their famous, distinctive buzz.


  • Newly hatched bees do cleanup work around the hive.


  • Up to 1.6 inches long (as long as a large paperclip)


  • Flower nectar and pollen


Bees live in a big hive.

Image result for bees wings


  • All continents except Antarctica

Bees stinger

  • Once a bee has sting you it will died and it won't sting you again.


Behaviour different jobs - drone - queen - worker
Collect honey to feed the others in the
Travel hive long distance

Image result for bees


Thursday, October 27, 2016

I stays at my Nanas

Where when who what why

Last Saturday I stayed at my Nanas for the night.I love my nana and my Mum to.l heard I couldn't stay last Monday to Friday because she had work.

When I went to my Nana's we had corn beef for tea and the next day we went to karaoke for tea.l saw people singing and dancing.I smelt hot chip and burgers and ice cream.

I said thank you to my Nana for tea and the rugby magpie team poster from Miter 10 mega.I love the Magpies and the All Blacks rugby team.My dad said they suck.

My Nana loves me lots and I love her lots.My Nana gives me stuff and buys stuff for me.Not last xmas but the xmas after that she brought me a hawaian shirt.

Summary I love staying at my Nanas.

book review

Do not write on this until you have chosen and read your book from cover to cover and know what it is about. Before you start this you will have spent a lot of time quietly reading!

Date  read: friday 28th october 2016

Book Title :Hey Jack

Author: Sally Rippin

Rating: ⭐s out of 5 = 10 out of 9

Write why you picked this book to read. because it fits ,me.

What type of book is it? - fiction / non fiction/ science fiction/ mystery/ biography/ autobiography

Where did the story take place? Jack’s house.

What happened in the beginning? He found a new friend.

What happened in the middle? Jack says good night to the puppy and Dad turned the light out.

What happened at the end? Jack’s Dad found a home for the puppy.

Who were the main characters? Jack and Dad and puppy.

Who was your favourite character and why? Puppy because he found his owner.

What did you notice about the authors style of writing?
Some of the words were bold.

Highlight the words that best describe this book.


Your opinion
What did you like in the book? When they found the puppy.

What did you dislike? He had to give it back.

Write about your favourite part. When the puppy licked Jack’s hand.

Write a Summary of the story in a paragraph
The book was ok and fun to read.

But  the book was sad.

But the good thing about it was  interesting.
The book was good because Jack always played with the puppy every day.
Jack always patted the puppy.

Write a one sentence Summary
The book was interesting because he found a puppy.

Do you think this was a good fit book for you? Why?
Yes because I only got one mistake.

Would you recommend this book to someone else? Who? Why?
Yes because they might like it and want the puppy.

Write/ Invent a new ending for your book
I would hug him tight and take him home if the owner said.