Thursday, November 10, 2016

Bees peport


A honey bee

A honey bee is an insect that collects nectar from flowers and turns into honey.
Image result for honey bees

There are three types of bees

There are three types of honey bees in a colony: a queen bee, female worker bees, and male drones.

The worker bee and the queen are females

  • The worker bees and the queen are both female bees but only the queen reproduces/lays eggs.

There are three kinds of bees

  • There are three kinds of bees in a hive: Queen, Worker and Drone. Only the queen in the hive lays eggs. She communicates with her hive with her own  special scent called pheromones. The queen will lay around 1,500 eggs per day.

Bees habitat

  • They live in colonies called hives.


Long tongue proboscis two sets of wings they are small 2.1 mm 250 different types.


They have 3 body parts.

Honey bees have 6 legs

  • Honey bees have 6 legs, 2 compound eyes made up of thousands of tiny lenses (one on each side of the head), 3 simple eyes on the top of the head, 2 pairs of wings, a nectar pouch, and a stomach. ...

The honey bees wings

  • The honey bee's wings stroke incredibly fast, about 200 beats per second, thus making their famous, distinctive buzz.


  • Newly hatched bees do cleanup work around the hive.


  • Up to 1.6 inches long (as long as a large paperclip)


  • Flower nectar and pollen


Bees live in a big hive.

Image result for bees wings


  • All continents except Antarctica

Bees stinger

  • Once a bee has sting you it will died and it won't sting you again.


Behaviour different jobs - drone - queen - worker
Collect honey to feed the others in the
Travel hive long distance

Image result for bees


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