Monday, July 4, 2016


Once upon time there was a mouse, a little, little mouse. Its name is Ratbag. It was a fluffy mouse.It was  looking for food . It found a house with cheese on the bench.It  crept and crept and crept  up to the door….

but the mouse found a window  that was opened. He could not reach it because he is a little mouse.The little mouse had a planthere was a ladder but the little mouse climbed  and climbed and climbed and climbed until  he suddenly reached the top of the ladder.


The mouse  finally got the cheese on the bench and hid in the house until the morning.But when it was the morning  the mouse went 1 by 1 step home. The mouse sang  a song. The song was  the ant's go marching 1 by 1 harra harrra!

But when the little mouse went home his family was not there so he looked but he didn't  find them so he was a poor little mouse now.He lived all by himself so he looked for food every day but then he found his family. That’s another story!

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