Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Story Starter

Ceark, creak, creak, went the creepy gate as it swung open slowly. I said to someone in a small voice I’m  very very scared. I took a good, good look at the gate and that time I looked it closed very, very fast and it open very very fast. The next time I went to look I tiptoed to the gate until I was there.
Ahhhhh I screamed.
What was that?”… I whispered to myself.
Who is there? Is it a creepy ghost?
Is it a normal ghost? Is it a killer clown? Is it a creepy killer clown?

Help help help! This gate is a haunted gate.
Where have you gone? Bye Bye! I was scared so I’m going.  
It is very, very scary here. Let me go or I will call the police and they might rearrange it or they might move it to the rubbish dump.
Please, please let me go or I will scream and yell and call out to my Mum and my Dad and they will cut your head off. If you let me go I will never ever come here again  and never ever let you down or your feelings down. I will keep away from the gate and never come back here again.
Can you let me go and I will tell you my name. Ok then what is your name? My name is Bella ok now can you let me go. I sure can. Good bye little girl, see you if you come back. Okay.

Wait little girl, I'm the gate and you left your dress here. Okay gate never ever come back again. I told you now shoo shoo never ever come back okay. Keep away from the gate. This gate is dangerous so keep away.

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