Thursday, October 27, 2016

I stays at my Nanas

Where when who what why

Last Saturday I stayed at my Nanas for the night.I love my nana and my Mum to.l heard I couldn't stay last Monday to Friday because she had work.

When I went to my Nana's we had corn beef for tea and the next day we went to karaoke for tea.l saw people singing and dancing.I smelt hot chip and burgers and ice cream.

I said thank you to my Nana for tea and the rugby magpie team poster from Miter 10 mega.I love the Magpies and the All Blacks rugby team.My dad said they suck.

My Nana loves me lots and I love her lots.My Nana gives me stuff and buys stuff for me.Not last xmas but the xmas after that she brought me a hawaian shirt.

Summary I love staying at my Nanas.

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