Thursday, October 26, 2017

Complex sentences

       Complex sentences


( Mr Marple is a school teacher )
Mr Marple, is a very good p.e teacher and a nice school teacher.

( The sun was shining )
As the golden sun was rising, down on the sand at the beach and at school.

( She ran fast )
Miss Bartlett , ran fast, like a cheetah to the beach because she was hot.


( As the waves crashed on the rocks. )
As the jigantics wave crashed , at the shining rock it splashed Mr Marple and Miss Bartlett.

( the rain dripped down )
The crystal blue rain drops, drip off me when I was going to school.

( snow littered the ground )
A plan white ice block , is like the snow coming down like it was rain

( the clouds drifted across the sky )
The dark black clouds drifted across when it was raining.

( A lot of people went to the show on friday)
Lot’s of people when to the A and p show on the best sunny holiday.

( the roller flattened the stones on the astroturf )
The loud big roller flattened the old stone on the astroturf.


( Dad ran to the shop )
As Dad raced, to countdown after he had tea.

( Mum walked the dog )
As Mum walked, the naughty dog to it got tired legs so it would settle down.

( Sally baked a birthday cake )

Sally baked a ,chocolate birthday cake before it was her birthday.

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