Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Memoir writing

                Memoir story

When I was little when I went to kindy, I use to help put the flags up with the adults in the morning. When I put one of them up, I jammed my finger and it was bleeding and they put an ice pack on it and they called my mum up to pick me up.

“Ouch… it hurts mummy” I was crying and it was stinging but then we stopped at the shop and my mum got me a ice block and then went home but it heart because I was only 3 years old and I kept going ouch mummy.

This is what kindy I was at when I jammed it at future kids down near the rubbish dump. When I got home I hopped into bed and went to sleep that's when my lights went out I mean when my eyes went to sleep.

When I went to bed I was going ouch ouch ouch…” Mummy my finger hurts can I go to doctors please”? … Mum replied ok then it’s best to go and get it cheeked up on because it might be broken from went it went hard as down on it and some times when you jam it sometimes it don’t bleed.

When we got to the doctors we saw a nurse and they cheeked my finger and they said well done for putting an ice pack on it. When they said we were done they said you need to rest it and I replied … OK then i’ll rest it.

(Were the doctors are)

I went to the doctors in town were the railway tracks are. This is a big building and the people who work here are nice. Then we went into the pharmacy to pick up pamole. After the pharmacy they said you may go home know. When we left I said thank you for everything by by.

My finger was saw and aking and it looked like it was fat.

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