Thursday, August 3, 2017

questions for swamp story

1 the thing that put it’s head above the water

2 water bugs

3 no humans don’t live in swamps.

4 there are swamps in the united states

5 bug and Beetles

6 very suck and squishy

7  that it really deep or something

(The temperature.)
The temperature here is 9.9 degrees.

(The sounds I could here.)
The sounds I could here was little insces and the swampy water moving around.

(What the ground is like walking through.)
I would feel so disgusted and it would be very yuck with stuff suck to my legs.

(How you might feel about being there.)
If i was there i would be very scared if I was there all by myself. I would be even more scared if i was a kid still.

(Big eyes and big teeth.)
It had giant eyes and evil, nasty teeth. It was really huge as a giant.

(It was really big.)
It was really massive and wicked like a  two story house on top of each other.

(The creature put its head above the water.)
The taniwha poked his head above the smelly swamp to see who was there.

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