Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Deeper language features workshops

This is one of the workshops I did with Susan it is called Deeper language features By Quize

apostrophes work

This is my apostrophes work shop

writing wall

this is were i'm at on the writing wall.

Syria writing by Quize

              Syria writing

Boom Boom Boom grenades and  bombs and missiles all blowing up run run to New Zealand you to Syria and Amera come before you get blown up. If you come to New Zealand you can do whatever you want. If you come to New Zealand you can live freely and have fish and chips on beach and play sport  like rugby and eat cold trumpets,

You don’t have to have small rooms because New Zealand has more space and fresh air and clean water and green green grass. If you need Shelter come to New Zealand. New Zealand is a really nice and big but some other placers have not much space so that’s not fair so come to New Zealand because there is more space.

I think Amera and Syria  should come to New Zealand because there is a lot of shelter. If Syria and Amera come to New Zealand they will have the rights to everything like we do. If Syria and Amera don’t come to New Zealand they might go to a refugee came and I think it’s safe but if I was Syria or Amera I would not ever like to go to a refugee camp in my whole entire life. I have a feeling that refugee camp’s are not safe but I don’t know about that one.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

questions for swamp story

1 the thing that put it’s head above the water

2 water bugs

3 no humans don’t live in swamps.

4 there are swamps in the united states

5 bug and Beetles

6 very suck and squishy

7  that it really deep or something

(The temperature.)
The temperature here is 9.9 degrees.

(The sounds I could here.)
The sounds I could here was little insces and the swampy water moving around.

(What the ground is like walking through.)
I would feel so disgusted and it would be very yuck with stuff suck to my legs.

(How you might feel about being there.)
If i was there i would be very scared if I was there all by myself. I would be even more scared if i was a kid still.

(Big eyes and big teeth.)
It had giant eyes and evil, nasty teeth. It was really huge as a giant.

(It was really big.)
It was really massive and wicked like a  two story house on top of each other.

(The creature put its head above the water.)
The taniwha poked his head above the smelly swamp to see who was there.

A Swamp story


Once upon a time there was a big as swamp and it was so green i could not see how deep it was. I said stay back you don’t know what’s in there. Suddenly i saw something poking her head up. What's that I asked my friend… My friend said I don’t know. Than later on I came back and a big as tail made a big as splash boom. What is it I said it had 4 feet one log tail and a body. I think I know what it is I said it’s a large taniwha I said. Know how are we going to get over that big dark green swamp. My friend said I don’t know how are we going to get over that swamp. I know we should wait for it to go to sleep and then walk across I said to my friend. Then my friend said I have a better idea I said wait for the taniwha to go to sleep and then we can build us a boat or something else to go across that green dark smelly swamp. I wonder what the taniwha eats I said. When the taniwha fell asleep I heard the bushes move. What's that I said… get back I’ll do something about it WAIT it might be a crocodile. Something came out of the bushes is a crocodile is than what's on the other bushes across the swamp it’s a hypo. What are we going to do run we can’t run I said why well they might chase us that’s ok NO it ain't. Well crocodile love eating hypo so it might eat the hypo. Oh no what the crocodile eat the hypo and the taniwha  that’s good know we can walk or run across the dark green swamp ya. Oh no it feel so yucky. I can’t wait to we get in the middle I said and then my friend said I can’t wait to get to the end of the swamp I said BUT… It so so so deep in the middle remember i can’t swim luckily I can I’ll help you I’ll just swim over here first and then you can hold my hand and I’ll pull you over ok. When we finally made it over to the other side we saw another taniwha on the other side were we were standing in the first place. Luckily we are not over that side anymore I said to my friend year lucky were not because we might have got eaten a.

                                                                       Conclusion 😅😎😎😎

               That was the best swamp I have ever been to   next time we should come back a.         

Direct Speech on a whiteboard.

This is what Direct Speech should look like on a whiteboard.