Wednesday, May 17, 2017

18.5.2017 Iain sharp poem

                         Tobey, Swarleen, Kayla & Quize.
Room 16/17 is unique but together we are a masterpiece
Room 16/17 is one big classroom and we are all a team.
Room 16/17 is a bundle of joy and a painting that  everyone's will always love.
Room 16/17 is a giant sundae with chocolate syrup a hint off whip cream and a cherry on top .
Room 16/17 is a maze waiting to be explored.
Room 16/17 have 2 amazing teachers mr marple and miss bartlett.         
Room 16/17 is beautiful rainbow but with every colour comes and emotions and every smile brings joy to the world.
Room 16/17 is the beautiful moonlight with 2 amazing people looking up at them
Room 16/17 is a hard coconut waiting to be cracked.
Room 16/17 is quieter than a mouse or louder than a volcano.
Room16/17 is a knot that could never be untied but they will always stick together like glue.
Room 16/17 is a unbreak able rock that the strongest man in the world can’t break full  that is full of amazing personalities.  
Room 16/17 is a tricky puzzle waiting to be solved.
Room 16/17 is the best class in the whole entire frimley primary school.
Room 16/17 is a drop of sky blue paint on a bright sunny canvas.

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