Monday, June 27, 2016

The best birthday ever

Best birthday ever
My best birthday ever is at laserforce.I played all the games and then we sat down and had lunch. We had pizza hut for lunch but after lunch we had a cake. It had  a picture  of laserforce on it.When we went home we went to the shop so I could go birthday shopping.I  spend $50 dollars on clothes and  and toys.I had no people come to my party. I spent time with my family.It was my best birthday ever.On July the 16th I am going to have antoher birthday but go somewere else on my birthday.July the 16th is my birthday.My best part of my birthday is eating the  cake. It was yummy and nice.When  I went to play the gun game “I bet my brother and my sister but my other sister wanted  my dad so my dad came in and played but he got me so I hid in the house.After I had enough I ate lolies and a piece of cake.It was a fun best birthday I ever had.My cake was a choclate  cake. It was yum I was not going to share it because it looked yum  We had lollies  it was a mix pack and fruit burst and chips.I liked it.And I am allowed 10 people only if my Mum says.I got to pick for tea too I picked bk (burger King)for tea.It  was the best  day I ever had in my life.I think $50 dollars  is enough  to spend on my birthday last year. But before we went home I went to my Nana I got for my birthday a skateboard it had on the top of it sandpaper.But when I when to bed I dreamed about my birthday.It was a nicest dream ever.My Mum is the best Mum I ever had and my Nana is the best I ever had.It was the best in day in my life.THE END.

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