Thursday, October 26, 2017

Static image

This is what I wite about the static image


 This is my aaawubbis writing what I did with Susan and theirs going to be a link of the song under the bottom.

My Maths

In my maths test I got write the numbers and my before and afters wrong  so I'm proving the teachers that I can get it right. BY QUIZE


Stadic image

McDonald Static image
  • Features
  • It relates to the packing red yellow
  • Love free WiFi go to McDonald.
  • McDonalds logo
  • They use The Fries for wifi symbol.
  • Colour
  • Lighting
  • The M stands for McDonald’s.

  • Proportion
  • MC Donald’s is yummy;).
  • If you go to MC Donald’s some time they give some things away like the games monopoly.

leonardo da vinci facts by Quize and Dylan

Leonardo da vinci By Quize And Dylan

Do you know the leonardo died?
He died in this place called Clos Lucé, Amboise, France.In 1506, da Vinci returned to Milan, remaining there until 1513. This was followed by three years based in Rome. In 1517, at the invitation of the French king Francis I,Leonardo moved to the Château of Cloux, near Amboise in France, where he died on 2 May 1519.
Leonardo da vinci died at age 67.
He was borned at this place Anchiano, Italy.I think this is one of his best paintings he did.
Leonardo was born to make art.Leonardo was one of the famous artist's.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, more commonly Leonardo da Vinci or simply Leonardo, was an Italian Renaissance polymath whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, ... LINKS Wikipedia
Born: 15 April 1452, Anchiano, Italy


Known for: Art, science
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
Learning never exhausts the mind.

The mona lisa was his best and the first art piece.

Complex sentences

       Complex sentences


( Mr Marple is a school teacher )
Mr Marple, is a very good p.e teacher and a nice school teacher.

( The sun was shining )
As the golden sun was rising, down on the sand at the beach and at school.

( She ran fast )
Miss Bartlett , ran fast, like a cheetah to the beach because she was hot.


( As the waves crashed on the rocks. )
As the jigantics wave crashed , at the shining rock it splashed Mr Marple and Miss Bartlett.

( the rain dripped down )
The crystal blue rain drops, drip off me when I was going to school.

( snow littered the ground )
A plan white ice block , is like the snow coming down like it was rain

( the clouds drifted across the sky )
The dark black clouds drifted across when it was raining.

( A lot of people went to the show on friday)
Lot’s of people when to the A and p show on the best sunny holiday.

( the roller flattened the stones on the astroturf )
The loud big roller flattened the old stone on the astroturf.


( Dad ran to the shop )
As Dad raced, to countdown after he had tea.

( Mum walked the dog )
As Mum walked, the naughty dog to it got tired legs so it would settle down.

( Sally baked a birthday cake )

Sally baked a ,chocolate birthday cake before it was her birthday.