Wednesday, June 21, 2017

My Whanau poem

I am from a whanau that buy me things and my mum treats me well.My parents care for me and look after me and they are the best.

My parents suports me but the most things that my mum dose is work so every fortnight my mum gets paid.

For dinner some nights we have chops steak and chicken buy on friday nights we have spice traders.My whana is very very nice.

My Mum and Dad are sometime take us to rotorua in Auckland and i'm guessing it's going to be fun and we are going to the theme park their.

Sometimes my Mum or Dad let me buy launchers at school or at th bakery.My Mum said this week she is going to buy me a haircut.

My mum helps me with my homeworks sometimes. My mum  will cook me tea and my mum will do anything for me.

I am loved
By Quize

Helps me when i'm stuck.                      
Loves me.
Works a lot.
Buy me things.
Care for me.
Trans me up.
Takes me out.
She is helpful.
Looks after me.
Works hard.
Gives me money.
Suports me.
Takes me to placers.
Cooks me tea.
Have fun together.
Treats me well.
Takes us out for tea on fridays.

Buy me lunch.

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