Thursday, March 16, 2017

Quize eel report

Quize’s Eel report
Today I am going  to explain to you about fascinating eel that live in New Zealand. Did you know  that eels can live up to 50 or more year!.

For both long-and short fins.Places to hide and cover.During daylight are very important-water weed,tree roots,undercut banks,and debris piles are all suitable types of cover.

(Life cycle)
In autumn, adult eel leave fresh water and swim from New Zealand to tropical seas somewhere here in the south pacific.The females release their egg, the males fertilise them, and the adults die after spawning.

Although they have fairly poor eyesight, they find their kai using their powerful sense of smell.Tuna are usually more active at night and rest during the day.

Tuna thrive when it floods-flooded river margins are important feeding grounds for them. Feeding slows down during cold temperatures 10`c.

Large carnivorous fish such as barracuda, other eels, humans, sea shakes, raccoons, some large sea birds.It depends on the type and size of eel.

In shape, eels are elongate, slender-bodied fishes, almost tubular, like all fish, eel have scales and fins.In colour, longfins are usually dark brown to grey black.

(conclusion) eel can grow to 2 meter long.

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