Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Winter in Dunedin

Winter in Dunedin

“6.54, gotta wake up 6.54 gotta wake up!” The monotone voice quietly repeated. I sluggishly turned my limp lifeless body and stretched out my arms to turn my alarm clock off.”it’s the long holidays, why do i have to wake up so early to this morning? it’s the holidays” I thought to myself. Silence deafened my ears as i lay there. Why is it so still? No sounds of car engines racing down the road. No birds singing and chirping in the trees, nature’s very own alarm clock. No noise  of people getting ready for work. What was going on? Likes a plaster off my body. Cool, crisp Dunedin air covered my body in a blanket, but i didn't like this particular blanket so much. Silently, I tiptoe like a niger down the elongated cascading hall. Reaching the end of the hall, I placed my hands onto the antique door knob and turned it to the right. The glare was too much for my eyes. Whats was going on? Kaikorai valley amazing winter colours had turned pearly, pure white…

              By Luke/Quize